- MENU -

TAVF EVENT: Minnesota

A Day of Giving Back


"Fred Knudsen" Lake Mille Lacs, MN


Take A Vet Fishing | MINNESOTA

"Fred Knudsen" Lake Mille Lacs, MN

August 12 th


Event Schedule

After 3pm Fri

Check-In at Hotel for those Traveling

6:15am Sat


6:30-11am Sat


11:30am Sat

Flag Presentation and the National Anthem

11:45am Sat


12:15pm Sat

Veteran Recognition Tribute

2:30pm Sat


7am Sun

Pancake Breakfast

8am Sun

Launch Boats

12pm Sun



Welcome to the "Fred Knudsen" 2023 Mille Lacs Take a Vet Fishing Event!

MINNESOTA FISHING LICENSE is needed for all participants. You must provide your own fishing license


NEW this year, a 2-Day event! Veteran sign-up will be available soon.

Those who are traveling to this event, and staying at McQuoids Inn, can arrive at McQuoids on Friday, August 11th AFTER 3pm. You will have a (paid) hotel room for Friday and Saturday evening.

On SATURDAY, August 12th, all Veterans and Guides are to report to the Event Center onsite at McQuoids at 6:15am for check-in. This is where you will meet for boat assignments and ensure you have everyone in your group accounted for.

Boats can launch anywhere on the lake but we ask that you attend check-in in case of last minute changes.

Fishing is from 6:30-11am.

Flag Presentation and the National Anthem will be on Saturday, August 12th at 11:30am honoring all of our active and retired US Military Veterans at McQuiods Inn. All families of participating military personnel are welcome to join. When you register online, we ask how many family members will be attending to help plan for seating and food. Please do not exceed 2 family members. 

Lunch will be served at 11:45am

Veteran Recognition Tribute will immediately follow lunch at 12:15pm.

Conclusion around 2:30pm. 


On SUNDAY, August 13th, 2 launch boats will be taking Veterans fishing. 

A pancake breakfast will be served by the local Fire Department at 7am at the Event Center onsite at McQuoids.

From 8am-12pm you will enjoy 4 hours of FREE fishing on a McQuoids launch boats. Each launch will have bottle water, snacks, and bait for fishing. There is also a bathroom available if needed. You DO NOT need to register to fish on the launch boat on Sunday (you will "automatically" be registered). 


McQuoids Inn

1325 Hwy. 47 N.

Isle, MN.  56342

(320) 676-3535


The Hotel stay is available for all Veterans who are traveling over 60 miles in order to attend this weekends events. We will be utilizing hotel rooms at McQuoids Inn (limit of 30 Hotel rooms). You will have the same room for BOTH Friday night & Saturday night. Please keep in mind that you will need to checkout from the hotel prior to fishing on Sunday morning.

All hotel rooms must be requested by July 21, 2023. If you do not request a room by this date, Take a Vet Fishing will not be able to pay for your room. We will release our block of rooms back to the hotel by July 21st. 

***NOTE: TAVF will pay for your hotel rooms ONLY if you are over 60 miles away from the event.